- Mounting
- holding another dog down for too long
- snapping
- curled lips
- continues barking
- latching on (chewing and even open mouthed around each others neck is normal but if one dog is using any force or keeping his mouth on another dog too long don't allow it.)
To break up the play and lower intensity you can just step right into them and make a noise (eht). When you have their attention have them sit and stay. Keep them in the "sit stay" with eye contact or have them "down" for a few minutes. You can focus the play by having one dog at a time fetch a ball. Another fun game to play with more than one dog is Red light/Green light. Put your dogs in a sit stay, walk 10 feet or so turn your back and say "green light" in a high excited voice. If you make your voice inviting the dogs should break the stay and come running. When they get close turn, give eye contact say red light in your firm voice while giving the hand signal for sit. When the dogs sit everyone gets a treat or praised. This is a fun way for dogs to play together in a more structured way.
*Remember to let your dogs have fun together but remain in control and playtime will be safe and fun for everyone. And when playtime is over stick to that.