(This is where those pet shop puppies come from. It's legal, but that does not make it right. The mother will NEVER make it out alive.)
We have all been to the mall and fallen in love with the doggy in the window. What we don't see is that behind the sweet face is a mother dog who has no chance at happiness, home, or even comfort! The sad fact is that every time a dog leaves a pet store it condemns another dog to a life of torture and pain.
Pet stores will tell you they don't get their dogs from puppy mills. But they don't define puppy mills either. In this country puppy mills are legal as long as they meet certain standards, and I promise you, those standards are not high. You would NEVER allow your dog to be kept the way it is legal to keep these "producing" dogs.
Do not be fooled, that puppy in your arms was not born on someones hearth with a nice fire blazing behind it. It was born in a cage , to a mother who gets ZERO human interactions, it was taken from it's mother and litter mates before 8 weeks of age, manhandled, shipped and dropped into your local pet store. As cute as he is, he will suffer health issues, and or mental issues because of the conditions he came from. And, the mother will never get out. When she can no longer have pups she'll be killed and thrown in the dumpster. No one will grieve for her, she will have had dozens of litters, be in horrible shape, and die without ever having a name.
The best thing that could happen for theses dogs is that NO ONE buys that little puppy in the window. If tomorrow morning the sun came up and suddenly every person in America said No to getting a pet shop puppy there would be no market any longer and thousands of dogs would be spared a life of unbelievable suffering.
*Please remember, no pet store is going to tell you the conditions their dogs come from. Some will even lie and paint you a nice picture of a family farm somewhere with children and dogs running together in peace. IT IS A LIE. Any dog from a pet store came from a puppy mill. It may be a legal puppy mill, but it is still a place of suffering and pain. Please, don't buy that cute face. You aren't saving him, you are condemning hundreds more.
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